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Maine CDC Local Health Officers Webinar June 25

Maine CDC Local Health Officers Webinar June 25

Date Posted: Friday, May 31, 2024
Posted In: Communications & Advocacy, Training & Educational Services

Topic:  Subsurface Wastewater Disposal and Septic Tank Failure
Date: Tuesday June 25
Time:  11:30am – 12:00 noon

A member of Maine CDC’s Subsurface Wastewater Team will join us for a half-hour session to overview what the Subsurface Wastewater Team does, what your town Local Plumbing Inspector does and when to refer, approaches to septic tank failure and the potential public health consequences.   He’ll also review a recent update to current subsurface wastewater rules and link you to available resources.  Your questions welcome.

Feel free to invite your municipal colleagues.

Register here: https://mainestate.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lfuysrj0vHNX6knUQkxolwBQHzQ99RX5W#/registration
