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Stream Smart for Municipalities: November 8th in Milo

Stream Smart for Municipalities: November 8th in Milo

Date Posted: Friday, October 20, 2023
Posted In: Communications & Advocacy

Piscataquis Soil and Water Conservation District and Maine Audubon will be hosting a workshop for municipalities to learn about “Stream Smart” principles and funding opportunities for road/stream crossing projects.  These crossings can help protect roads and public safety against flooding, and support fish and wildlife habitat.  This workshop will provide information on basic “Stream Smart” principles and how to implement them, applicable regulations for road/stream crossing projects, and funding opportunities to help defray the costs of replacing undersized culverts with appropriately sized ones.

The workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 8, 10 am-3 pm at the Three Rivers Kiwanis, 15 Harris Pond Rd, Milo.  Doors open at 9:30 for coffee and snacks.

Lunch, snacks, and coffee will be provided. Please wear shoes and clothing appropriate for the weather as we will be visiting a few crossing sites in the afternoon. 

Please register at: https://maineaudubon.ticketspice.com/stream-smart-workshop-for-municipalities-milo


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