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Virtual Trainings Offered for Municipal Officials

Virtual Trainings Offered for Municipal Officials

Date Posted: Friday, May 5, 2023
Posted In: Training & Educational Services

How to Start & Fund an Asset Management Program from Scratch

Thursday, May 11
12:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Cost: $75

Local governments struggle with maintenance and operations of their assets, while trying to upkeep their infrastructure to the required state of good repair, and comply with various regulations, condition assessments, and reporting requirements. Organizations confront challenges with tactical maintenance management, strategic asset management, strategic planning, capital and comprehensive planning, rate setting, project management, forecasts, and budgets etc. Moreover, several federal, state, and insurance agencies are mandating electronic asset management for ongoing reporting, funding, operations etc.

While good asset management enables you to get the most from your assets, understanding how to do it right is the key. This is easier to achieve than you might think, and your citizens will appreciate the ramifications - better service, rates, and responsive government. This is an immersive session that will discuss the basics and go beyond to equip you with the knowledge and a real time data driven approach to implement or enhance asset management programs for your utilities.


The Show Must Go On: Business Continuity, Succession Planning, and Emergency Preparedness

Wednesday, June 7
1:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Cost: $50

Local government operations do not stop even in a pandemic or during natural calamities, emergencies, disruptions, and staff turnovers. There are established rules about the upkeep of the operations during any major events, crisis situations, and loss of critical human resources. This class covers normal disruptive events, deals with bigger showstoppers, and helps strategize dealing with workforce turnover. We will discuss business continuity, emergency response, and succession planning in depth. The attendees will come out with a clear idea on how to deal with such events in the future and operate in the new normal.


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