7:30 a.m. - Registration
7:30 - 9:00 a.m. - Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - Exhibit Hall Opens
7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - MCAPWA Fall Meeting
Sponsored by Maine Chapter of American Public Works Association (MCAPWA)
7:30-8:30 am: Registration and Breakfast Buffet in Exhibit Hall
8:30-8:40 am: Opening Remarks (Scott Holland, APWA Chapter President)
8:40-9:10 am: Maine Department of Transportation Update (Bruce Van Note, MaineDOT Commissioner)
9:10-9:40 am: 85th Percentile Speed, Fall of a Legend: Setting Speed Limits Using a Context Approach (Steve Landry, State Traffic Engineer, MaineDOT)
9:40-9:55 am: Break
9:55-10:15 am: Upcoming Training Sessions by Maine Local Roads Center (Peter Coughlan, P.E., Director of MaineDOT Maine Local Roads Center)
10:15-10:45 am: Municipal Response Options to Brown Tail Moth and Emerald Ash Borer (Allison Kanoti, State Entomologist, Director of Forest Health and Monitoring)
10:45-11:00 am: Break
11:00 am-12:00 pm: Frost Solutions: Frost Solutions allow snow and ice management professionals to monitor weather conditions from anywhere with location-specific forecasts, customizable alerts, and on-demand images (Mike Kirsh)
12:00-1:00 pm: Lunch
Presenters: Stephen Landry, Allison Kanoti, Mike Kirsh
9:00 - 10:15 am - Welcome and Featured Speaker
The Urgency of Building Resilient Communities
Hannah Pingree, Director of the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future and co-chair of the Maine Climate Council, will talk about the urgent importance of community action, planning and investments to build resilience to impacts of climate change following the devastating winter storms of December 2023 and January 2024. In response to these storms, Governor Mills proposed and authorized the largest recovery support package in Maine history -- $60 million for working waterfronts, business recovery, and public infrastructure projects -- and launched an expert Infrastructure Rebuilding and Recovery Commission to help develop Maine’s first long-term plan for safeguarding Maine communities and people from climate effects like extreme storms, flooding, and storm surge. Hannah will talk about the need for state, regional and local partnerships to address this challenge and efforts underway through her office to support lasting investments in Maine communities, such as through her office’s landmark Community Resilience Partnership program, which in two years has grown to include more than 225 Maine cities, towns, and tribal governments.
Presenter: Hannah Pingree, Director, Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future, and Co-Chair, Maine Climate Council
Certification: Valid for 1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following category: Leadership
10:15 - 10:45 am - Exhibit Hall Break and Sponsor / Exhibitor Presentations
Harbor Digital Systems
Titan Energy
American Promise
10:45 am - 12:00 pm Concurrent Session Block #4
We’ve Always Done It That Way Is Over: What’s Next?
During these times of unprecedented and disruptive change, leaders must improve their ability to manage a perplexing paradox - how to stay focused on today's community while building tomorrow's. To move forward, leaders must themselves, and develop in their employees, the ability to toggle between being responsive and proactive. In this session, three degrees of change will be shared along with next practices about reimagining their community, redesigning the consumer experience, resetting the workplace culture, and refreshing your talent management practices.
Presenter: Patrick Ibarra, Co-Founder and Partner, The Mejorando Group
Certification: Valid for
1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following categories: Leadership and
Human Resources.
Land Use Planning & Housing, Tools, Tips and Changes: Building with Community Consensus
Maine communities are looking to develop and redevelop parcels and buildings to maintain housing, jobs, and quality of life. Many historic downtown areas are feeling the brunt of adverse climate related weather events. Recent changes to the market, legislation, and state and local discussions have created an unpredictable environment for how to grow resilient housing for community wealth and health. In this session, a panel of municipal, state, and development experts will share their experiences and insights on a public education, home rule tools and advocacy initiatives to increase the supply of affordable and workforce housing in balance with available and resilient infrastructure. Examples of where communities can find resources, and community minded professionals to help guide the way will be featured.
Presenters: Rebecca Graham, Senior Legislative Advocate, MMA; Judy East, Director, Bureau of Resource Information and Land Use Planning; Jennie Francheschi, CEO and Planner, City of Westbrook; others TBD
Certification: Valid for 1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following categories: Leadership, Elected Relations, and Finance/Budget.
Right to Know Law Training
In this presentation, MMA’s Legal Services Department will provide a summary of Maine’s Freedom of Access Act (FOAA): the requirements for public notice and access to public proceedings, the process for complying with public record requests, and the penalties for violations. This presentation meets training requirements under the law for certain elected and appointed municipal officials. Attendees will get certificates that they completed the course.
Presenter: Rebecca McMahon, Director, Legal Services, MMA
Certification: Valid for 1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following categories: Legal, Leadership and Elected Relations.
Maine Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) (Sponsored by the Maine Local Government Human Resources Association)
Please join Luke Monahan, Director of the Maine PFML Program, Reginald Parson, Deputy Director of the Maine PFML Program, and Ann Freeman, Labor and Employment Attorney with Bernstein Shur, for a comprehensive overview of the new Maine Paid Family and Medical Leave program. This interactive session will help attendees gain a better understanding of this new law and address any questions that participants have regarding the PFML program.
Presenters: Luke Monahan, Director of the Maine PFML Program, Reginald Parson, Deputy Director of the Maine PFML Program, and Ann Freeman, Labor and Employment Attorney with Bernstein Shur
Certification: Valid for 1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following categories: Human Resources, Leadership, and Legal
Municipalities and Mental Health: Behavioral Health Liaisons and First Responder Resources (Sponsored by the Maine Animal Control Association)
This session will discuss how the use of Behavioral Health Liaisons, highlighting the program currently in place in the Town of Kennebunk, can lead to positive outcomes for 1st responders incidents & cases but also for our 1st responders themselves!
Presenters: Chief Robert MacKenzie, Chief of Police, Town of Kennebunk; Rachel Schlein, Behavioral Health Liaison, Town of Kennebunk; Rebecca Parker, Officer & Animal Control Officer, Town of Kennebunk
Community Risk Reduction Overview (Sponsored by the Maine Fire Chiefs Association)
Community Risk Reduction (CRR) is a process that involves identifying and prioritizing local risks, and then using resources to reduce their impact and occurrence. The goal of CRR is to prepare for and know what to prepare for. CRR programs can help prevent or reduce the loss of life, property, and resources associated with disasters, fire, and life safety.
Presenters: Richard Taylor, Senior Research and Planning Analyst, Office of State Fire Marshal; Robby Gross, Forest Ranger Chief, Maine Forest Service; Greg Day, Assistant Fire Marshal, Office of State Fire Marshal; Kent Nelson, Forest Ranger Specialist, Maine Forest Service
12:00 - 1:15 p.m. - Featured Speaker Luncheon
Building Resilient Communities Through NLC Advocacy
Mayor Steve Patterson of Athens, Ohio is the Second Vice President of the National League of Cities (NLC). The National League of Cities was founded 100 years ago to provide services to America’s cities, towns and villages and raise the voice of local government on the national stage. NLC is committed to the unwavering support of those founding principles – to relentlessly advocate for and protect the interests of America’s cities, towns and villages. NLC continues to build off the unprecedented success of ARPA and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law by providing the resources and knowledge for cities, towns and villages to access federal infrastructure funding.
Presenter: Steve Patterson, Mayor, Athens, OH, and Second Vice President, National League of Cities
Certification: Valid for 1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following categories: Leadership, and Legal
1:15 - 2:30 p.m. - Concurrent Session Block #5
Getting the Most Out of Your Mental Health Resources
Life is not always easy. This session will educate participants on the resources that are available so you can feel confident accessing support or guiding your employees. Join us to learn about the benefits MMEHT has to offer, including Anthem EAP, Talkspace, Aspire365, Mental Health First Aid and wellness classes. In addition, we will discuss how employers can create a culture that supports employees and their mental health. Attendees will also have a chance to learn about ServeStrong, an online set of custom resources free to all MMA members to support employees’ mental health and well-being, with a particular focus on first responders.
Presenter: Anne Charles, Health Promotion Manager, Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust; Jim Toman, Loss Control Consultant, MMA Risk Management Services; Jason Johnson, Loss Control Consultant, MMA Risk Management Services
Certification: Valid for 1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following category: Human Resources
Simplifying Your Workers Comp Audit: A Step-by-Step Guide
This session is designed to assist participants with an understanding of the workers’ compensation payroll audit process and to offer tools to help simplify your responsibilities. Key topics to be covered include: how to prepare for your annual audit and the necessary records to submit; distinguishing between payroll and non-payroll items; the significance of accurate job descriptions; payroll reports; insights into handling independent contractors, including reading certificates of insurance and using the MWCB website for coverage verification; and guidance on submitting relevant information.
Presenters: Mike Mayette, Underwriting Services Manager, and Marcus Ballou, Member Services Supervisor, MMA Risk Management Services
Certification: Valid for 1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following category: Human Resources
Enhancing Municipal Buildings Through Energy Efficiency Upgrades
This session will focus on how energy efficiency upgrades in municipal buildings help municipalities lower their energy use and save on energy costs, while leading by example in the transition to fossil-fuel-free electric HVAC systems, LED lighting, and efficient water heating. Efficiency Maine has worked with more than 100 municipalities in the past three years to offer financial incentives, technical support, and financing on high-efficiency equipment upgrades. The discussion will provide information on industry trends and technology available today to improve comfort with less operational maintenance costs, energy costs, and environmental impacts, and on how even small changes can make a difference. Participants will learn about federal and state funding opportunities that are now available for municipalities, factors that should be considered when looking at upgrades, and hear about the experiences of other municipalities in Maine that have partnered with Efficiency Maine to upgrade their buildings.
Presenter: Satchel Toole, Program Manager, Efficiency Maine
Certification: Valid for 1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following category: Finance/Budget
Women Leading Government: Leading in Male-Dominated Fields (Sponsored by the Maine Town, City, and County Management Association)
This panel will feature women governmental leaders working in traditionally male-dominated fields, who will discuss some of the challenges they have faced in their careers, as well as lessons learned from their experiences and advice that can be offered to other women leaders. This session is ideal for women who aspire to or already hold leadership positions, as well as those who are interested in learning how to cultivate and encourage more gender-inclusive work environments in their municipalities.
Presenters: Christine Landes, Town Manager, Town of Chelsea; Chief JoAnne Fisk, Chief of Police, City of Biddeford; Mary Ann Brenchick, Deputy Director of Public Works, City of Augusta; Erin Bean, EMS Chief & Director, Wiscasset Ambulance Service; others TBD
Certification: Valid for 1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following category: Leadership and Elected Relations
Short-Term Rentals: The Assessors’ Side (Sponsored by the Maine Association of Assessing Officers)
This session will serve as a round table discussion with assessors in communities impacted by short term rentals, and what to do about it.
Facilitator: Luke Vigue, Tax Assessor, Town of York
1.25 Continuing Education Hours available toward Certified Maine Assessor certification.
2:30 - 2:45 p.m. - Break
2:45 - 4:00 p.m. - Concurrent Session Block #6
What To Expect When You’re Expecting a Disaster
Maine had 2 back-to-back Individual Assistance Declarations for the first time in 16 years; meaning, for the first time in 16 years, residence could receive assistance from FEMA for damage done to their homes. Many people were left wondering what that meant, who qualified, and what can we do. Kelsey Preecs, Individual Assistance Officer with Maine Emergency Management Agency will go over the process for receiving a declaration from FEMA, what happens when we do get a declaration, and how you can support the State in acquiring a declaration.
Presenter: Kelsey Preecs, CVA, Individual Assistance Officer, Maine Emergency Management Agency
What's Your Property Worth Today?
The last three years have seen an unprecedented confluence of skyrocketing property rates, extreme weather events and rapidly escalating costs of construction. Implementing an appropriate appraisal plan for your property can assist in preparing for renewals and providing your underwriters with exactly what they need to remove potential penalties. Key takeaways include: 1. Understand what property underwriters are requesting today; 2. Understand 'best practices' relative to valuation and annual trending; 3. Identify specific property elements that can improve your next renewal; and 4. Gain and overall understanding of the events and conditions driving construction costs today.
Presenter: Mark Hessel, SVP, HCA Asset Management
Title II Website Accessibility Requirements: What Every Municipality Needs to Know
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires state and local governments to give people with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from all of their programs, services, and activities; including those provided via the internet or mobile apps. State and local governments can’t deny people with disabilities the chance to participate or make them participate in different programs than those available to others. This session will cover Title II requirements for Municipal Websites from both a legal and technical perspective. MMA Legal Services will provide an overview of the requirements and compliance deadline and MMA’s Information Technology Director will provide an overview of some new tools to help municipalities comply with these requirements.
Presenters: Brian McDonald, Director of IT & Administration, MMA; Sarah Jancarik, Staff Attorney, MMA
Certification: Valid for 1.25 MTCMA Certification credits in the following category: Legal
The Code Enforcement Officer and Public Opinion
Many view the CEO as an individual seeking a position of power. But what does a CEO actually do? Mostly a CEO educates. From town ordinance, to building codes, to providing direction as to what state and federal regulations that may apply, the CEO provides guidance and information needed to move forward. In addition, the CEO puts eyes on a construction project from beginning to end. The value of having a properly trained individual verify the proper construction of a structure is a great benefit to the public, the owner, and the town. Sustainable construction ensures that a building can maintain its safety, structural integrity, and value. This benefits all who live and work within it, the environment, and the town’s property values as a whole. Our presentation will expand from what the CEO normally does to those activities in which the town should encourage them to participate, to include participation in the code change process.
Presenters: Jeff Wallace, Code Enforcement Director, City of Bangor; Mark Stambach, Code Enforcement Officer, Town of Lisbon; Brian Longstaff, Zoning Administrator, Town of Scarborough; Justin Brown, Code Enforcement Officer, Town of Falmouth
4:00 p.m. - Convention Adjourns