Bids & Proposals

City of Bath: Coastal Resilience, Engineering and Planning Services

Start Date: August 14, 2024
End Date: September 12, 2024
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 207-443-8363
More Information: Click Here

Contact Person:
Rod Melanson
Director of Sustainability & Environment

Submission Deadline: September 12, 2024

1. Introduction

The Coastal Resilience Engineering Design project aims to enhance the resilience of Bath Maine’s coastline against the impacts of climate change and flooding, including sea level rise, storm surges, riverine events, and coastal erosion. This project will involve the development of engineering solutions to protect infrastructure, natural habitats, and communities.

In 2023, the City of Bath, Maine assessed the vulnerability of infrastructure and open spaces (i.e., wetlands and conserved land) to flooding from storm surge, sea level rise, and extreme riverine events throughout the entirety of Bath’s coastline. The purpose of the work was to evaluate present-day flood risk, flood risk in 2050, and flood risk in 2100 and recommend next steps towards adaptation, including timelines for when adaptation measures should be in place to limit the impact flooding may have on people, places, and infrastructure within the City.

The results (i.e., water surface elevation, depth and extent of inundation, duration of inundation) of the flood vulnerability assessment were compiled and organized by land use: transportation, buildings, industries, public safety, power, pump stations, open spaces, and ports. The results for the 15 flood scenarios are summarized in the report and its attachments (figures, tables, and appendices). This study identified the following key assets that warrant adaptation in the near-term based on two critical flood scenarios:

· For present-day sea levels, approximately 1.1 miles of roadways, 44 residential buildings, 4 remediation sites, 4 pump stations, and 146.2 acres of wetland not likely already experiencing flooding due to average daily tides would likely be inundated during combined 1% annual chance (“100-yr”) coastal storms and riverine events.

· For average daily tides and average daily streamflows in the year 2050 and assuming 1.5 ft of sea level rise, approximately 0.1 miles of roadways, 13 residential buildings, 2 remediation sites, and 73.8 acres of wetland not likely already experiencing flooding due to average daily tides would likely be inundated during high tides.


The most recent events of January/ February/ March of 2024 saw minimal private structure damage (less than $50,000), multiple road closures, and flooding of public infrastructure (pump stations). Attached are pictures of the commercial street area during January’s inundation. The Maine Maritime Museum Hohonu tide gauge recorded a 2.4 foot surge during the January 13 event, which is the highest recorded since its November 2022 installation. While major damage was avoided, it has awoken a community that has dealt with riverine flooding for decades, that tidal influences will have a major impact on their collective future.


3. Scope of Services

Anticipated scope of services may include but is not limited to the following tasks:

· Identification, development, and preparation of federal, state, local, and private grant applications to fund work, and then implement work funded under those grants, including grants originating with, but not limited to Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS), the Maine Department of Transportations’ Infrastructure Adaptation Fund (MAIF), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), Maine Community Resilience Partnership Grants (GOPIF), and Maine Coastal Program Grants. This work will also include both pre-award and post award engineering services and management for Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) project(s) and/or projects(s), if awarded.

· Asset Management, condition assessment, planning, design, permitting, and estimating probable construction Costs; bid document preparation, bidding assistance, construction management, oversight and inspection (either full-time or part-time as necessary); as-built drawings and operation and maintenance plan preparation for various public infrastructure improvement projects.

· Investigating and quantifying existing conditions of various public infrastructure, including the preparation of engineering

· Conducting assessments and reviewing current coastal resilience plans for the City of Bath.

· Developing and evaluating coastal resilience strategies and solutions.

· Designing and recommending engineering interventions.

· Collaborating with stakeholders and other professionals.

· Preparing technical reports and documentation.

· Providing expert advice and recommendations.


4. Qualifications Required

Please provide information on the following qualifications:

· Experience: Relevant experience in coastal resilience, coastal engineering, or similar fields with a focus on coastal riverine environments.

· Expertise: Specific knowledge in areas such as flood risk management, shoreline protection, environmental impact assessments, or climate adaptation strategies.

· Past Projects: Examples of previous projects that demonstrate your capability and success in similar work.

· Team Composition: Information on the team members who will be involved, including their qualifications and roles.

· Education and Certifications: Relevant degrees (e.g., Civil Engineering, Environmental Science, Planning) and professional certifications (e.g., PE, CFM, AICP).

· References: Contact information for references from previous clients or projects.


5. Submission Requirements

Proposals are limited to ten (10) pages, single-sided, not including resumes, section dividers and cover letter.

Please submit the following documents as part of your qualifications.

· A cover letter expressing your interest and suitability for the scope of services.

· A detailed company profile, including team qualifications and relevant experience.

· A summary of relevant project examples.

· Five (5) project references, including client contact name, email and phone number.

· Resumes of key personnel who will be assigned to the project.


6. Evaluation Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

· Relevant experience and expertise in coastal resilience engineering and planning.

· Quality and success of previous projects.

· Qualifications and capabilities of the team members.

· Understanding of the project scope and objectives.

· Ability to meet project deadlines and deliverables.

· Cost-effectiveness, if applicable.


7. Submission Instructions

Please submit your qualifications to the contact person listed above by the deadline specified. Submissions may be delivered via email, physical mail, or online portal. Late submissions may not be considered.


8. Additional Information

1. Anticipated timeline for selection: The City will review and respond to applicants within a 2 week timeframe from the deadline of submission

2. Contract terms will be negotiated after selection. Project schedule will be dependent upon funding sources.

3. The City, at its discretion, may select a firm(s) outright or select a finalist(s) for in-person and/or telephone interviews. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive technical or legal deficiencies, and to accept any proposals that it may deem to be in the best interest of the City.

4. The City reserves the right to evaluate the submitted proposals, waive any irregularity therein, and to select any firm(s) which submits a proposal and/or reject any or all proposals should it be deemed in the best interest of the City.

5. The City expects to enter into General Engineering Services agreements with multiple firms depending upon its specific needs and the firms’ services areas.


9. Inquiries

For any questions or clarifications regarding this RFQ, please contact Rod Melanson at 207-443-8362 or no later than September 3rd 2024.

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