Bids & Proposals

Town of Pittston RFP

Start Date: June 16, 2023
End Date: June 16, 3023
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)


38 Whitefield Road

Pittston, ME 04345

Telephone:   582-4438

     Fax:  582-1805           


Bids should be submitted to the Pittston Town Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 3, 2023.  Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Pittston Paving Bid” and sent to the attention of the Pittston Select Board.  The bids will be opened on May 3, 2023 at the Select Board meeting at 6:15 p.m.

Scope of work to be performed by the customer:

  1.  Roads to be worked:
  1.  Lancaster Road---3,666 ft. x 18 ft. wide.  Shim then place 1 inch compacted 9.5 millimeter mix.
  2. Palmer Road---3,495 ft. x 18 ft. wide.  Place 2 1/2 inch of 19.5 compacted millimeter mix.
  3. Nash Road---5,155 ft. x 20 ft. wide.  Shim then place 1 inch of 9.5 millimeter mix.
  4. Kelley Road---4,750 ft. x 20 ft. wide.  Shim then place 1 inch of 9.5 millimeter mix.
  5. Blodgett Road---1,655 ft. x 18 ft. wide.  Shim then place 1 inch of 9.5 millimeter mix.
  6. Jewett Road---North End.  2,500 ft. x 18 ft. wide.  Shim 1 ½ inch of 12.5 millimeter





  1. Specifications:
  1.  Grind butt joints.
  2. Tack all areas.
  3. Sweeping and traffic control signs.
  4. Prep work if needed.
  5. Shim must be rolled with a rubber tire roller.






The Town of Pittston desires an estimate of tons used on each road and a lump sum price.

Bidders need to verify measurements, as measurements taken by the Town are estimated.

The Town has the right to add (added at the given price) or delete paving.

The Town of Pittston has the right to reject any or all bids.

Price per ton will include Town to pick up hot top at Plant.

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