Town of Standish - Boat Launch Improvements RFP
Start Date: January 07, 2025
End Date: January 21, 2025
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 207 642 5448
Email: [email protected]
More Information: Click Here
The Town of Standish, Maine will accept sealed bids for improvements to the Standish Boat Launch. The improvements include adding 1, 24’ gangway (ramp) with handrails and hardware to our existing 45’ floating dock, adding 6, 12” round marine grade pilling’s, (3 to be driven down on each side of the dock), and cutting and squaring one side of the ramp with poured concrete with anchors mounted to accept 12’ x 18” concrete boat ramp planks. Also, this project will involve adding ramp planks to both sides of the dock: 24 on the west side of the dock and 16 on the east side of the dock. Bids can be sent to the Fire Chief’s office at 175 Northeast Rd. Standish, Maine. The boat launch improvement project will occur at Northeast Rd Ext., Standish, ME 04084. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes with the name and address of the Bidder and clearly marked "Standish Boat Launch Project Bid DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 10am on January 21, 2025." on the face of the envelope. Bidders must submit 2 copies of all bid documents. The bids will be reviewed by the Fire Chief and Town Manager and the scheduled bid award on will be Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.
Bids shall be submitted on the provided forms in accordance with the Information for Bidders. No Bidder may withdraw a bid within five (5) days after opening thereof.
Please click here: BOAT LAUNCH RFP for full bid document and bid forms.
Please contact the Fire Chief, Rob Caron, at 642 5448 or [email protected] with any questions.