Berwick Downtown Drainage RFP
Start Date: June 16, 2023
End Date: June 16, 3023
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Downtown Drainage Project - Plan Set
Downtown Drainage Project - Contract Documents
Sealed bids for construction of the BERWICK DOWNTOWN DRAINAGE PROJECT will be received by the Town of Berwick Town Managers Office, Berwick Town Hall, 11 Sullivan Street, Berwick, ME 03901 until June 12, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.., local time and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Bids submitted after this time will not be accepted. Each bidder must submit a single sealed envelope, the outside of which must be clearly marked "Bid for BERWICK DOWNTOWN DRAINAGE PROJECT".
Location The Berwick Downtown Drainage Project is located along portions of School Street, Berwick Street, Saw Mill Road, and Bow Street. Outline of Work The work includes the installation of a new storm drains including a large diameter circular pipe and rectangular precast concrete culvert pipe; installation, modification, alteration and adjustments of, catch basin and drain manhole structures; construction of 12” water main offset, reconstruction of sanitary sewers; street trench repair; reset granite cubing; earthwork, dewatering, installation of riprap pipe outfall; pedestrian and vehicular traffic control and associated work as shown on contract drawings and documents.
The work is proposed to be completed in advance of a MaineDOT street reconstruction project that is scheduled for construction in 2024.