Bids & Proposals

City of Old Town-RFP: Professional Services for Planning Partnership

Start Date: June 16, 2023
End Date: June 16, 3023
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)

City of Old Town

Request for Proposals

Professional Services for Planning Partnership

Link to full RFP

The City of Old Town (Municipality), in cooperation with The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is soliciting proposals for professional services for a Planning Partnership Initiative (PPI) Study, MaineDOT WIN 027690.00.

 The full RFP application can be found in the supporting documents. Proposers must provide the following:

a.) a technical proposal; and

b.) a price proposal in a separate, sealed package. Price shall not be part of the technical proposal; otherwise, that proposal shall be rejected.

 The Municipality is undertaking this Planning Partnership Initiative (PPI) study with funding from the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT). This project is subject to applicable federal and state laws, regulations, policies and procedures, including but not limited to those described in the MaineDOT Local Project Administration Manual: 

PROPOSALS ARE TO BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN: Friday June 30th, 2023 by 4:00pm local time.

Any proposal, portion of a proposal, or unrequested proposal revision received at the Municipality after the time and date specified above will not be accepted. Communications regarding the RFP must be submitted by email and directed to the RFP Coordinator listed below. The subject line must reference the project name, RFP title and Project WIN.

Name and Title: EJ Roach, Director of Economic & Community Development

Office Phone: (207)827-3965


 All requests for clarification and additional information must be submitted by email to the RFP Coordinator listed above by 5:00PM on June 16, 2023. Late requests will not be accepted. When appropriate, responses will be placed on the Municipality’s website: no later than close of business on June 20, 2023.


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