Bids & Proposals

Freeport Sewer District Immediate RFP for WW Engineering Services

Start Date: June 16, 2023
End Date: June 16, 3023
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)






The Freeport Sewer District (District) is seeking qualifications immediately for the provision of Wastewater Engineering Services for the upgrade of its Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Collection System. The work required may involve, but is not limited to, engineering services related to the wastewater treatment facility, collection system, pump stations, and asset management of wastewater infrastructure. The contract shall begin on or about August 7, 2023


The District owns and operates a 0.75 million gallons per day (MGD) wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) located on South Freeport Road. The District also owns and operates gravity sewers, pump stations and force mains to convey the Town’s wastewater to the WWTF. The treated effluent from the WWTF is discharged into the Harraseeket River. The WWTF consists of three package treatment plants in parallel that provide for aeration, clarification, and sludge digestion. Screening of influent wastewater is performed upstream of the package plants and chlorine disinfection is performed downstream prior to discharge. Since 2012, the plant has undergone some upgrades consisting of new aeration blowers, new sludge pumps, a new dewatering system, and a SCADA system upgrade.


Sealed qualifications for providing Wastewater Engineering Services and other responsibilities as described herein, must be received at the Freeport Sewer District before 4:00PM on July 3, 2023. Late, email, telephone, facsimile and/or unsigned qualifications shall not be accepted. All qualifications shall be held open to acceptance for sixty days from their opening. Address sealed qualifications to: Freeport Sewer District, 43 South Freeport Road, PO Box 76, Freeport ME 04032


The District has conducted both a Fiscal Sustainability Plan dated May 2022 and a Preliminary Engineering Report and Environmental Assessment dated March 2023 in order to identify the work required to upgrade the existing WWTF and Collection System. They have also secured a loan/grant from Rural Development/USDA in the amount of $20,132,000 and have submitted a Congressionally Directed Spending Request for $2,886,000 that will bring the total Project Cost up to $23,018,000.


All questions should be directed, in writing, to Leland Arris, General Manager ( or Jon McCabe, Superintendent ( and must be received by the end of the day on June 26, 2023. Questions received after this time will not be addressed. Written addenda may be issued when changes, clarifications, or amendments to this document are deemed necessary. Oral explanations or interpretations given before the award of the contract are not binding.

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