Franklin County RFP for Paving
Start Date: June 16, 2023
End Date: June 16, 3023
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
The Franklin County Commissioners are requesting bids for paving Reeds Mill Road, Beech Hill Road, Buzzell Road, and Riverside Road in Madrid Township. The project is 20 feet in width by varying in length please see below. All bids must be sealed and marked “Paving Project” and received no later than June 20, 2023, by 9:00 a.m. For complete specifications, please contact Mike Pond, Road Agent at 491-9908. Please submit bids to:
Franklin County Commissioners
140 Main Street Suite 3
Farmington, ME 04938
Reeds Mill Road
Spot shim to road profile where necessary
1” Surface Pave-3,290’ x 20’
Shoulder Gravel 2’ wide
Beech Hill Road
Grade and shape Fine Grade & 2” Base Pave-200’ x 20’
1” Surface Pave-200’ x 20'
Shoulder Gravel 2’ wide
Buzzell Road
Grade and shape Fine Grade & 2” Base Pave-200’ x 20’
1” Surface Pave-200’ x 20’
Shoulder Gravel 2’ wide
Riverside Road
Grade and shape Fine Grade & 2” Base Pave-260’ x 18’
1” Surface Pave-260’ x 18’
Shoulder Gravel 2’ wide
The Franklin County Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids.