Franklin County RFP for Snow Removal
Start Date: June 16, 2023
End Date: June 16, 3023
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
The Franklin County Commissioners are requesting bids for Snow Removal in Langtown TWP, Madrid TWP, Washington-Perkins TWPs, and Freeman-Salem-West Freeman TWPs. All bids must be sealed and marked “Snow Removal for each TWP” and received no later than July 10, 2023, by 4:00 p.m. For complete specifications, please contact Mike Pond, Road Agent at 491-9908, or visit
Snow Removal for Freeman and Salem Townships
The Franklin County Commissioner’s are requesting bids for snow removal in Freemen and Salem Townships for 2023-26, a three-year contract. A performance bond is required. All bids must be in writing, sealed, and marked “Freeman and Salem Townships Snow Removal Bids” on the envelope. The sealed bids must be received no later than July 10, 2023 at 4 pm. For complete specification please contact the Franklin County Commissioners office (207-778-6614) or website.
To remove the snow and provide sand to mix with salt (to be provided by the county, however will be capped based on historical data) from the following roads in Freeman Township:
a. State Aide #1, from the Strong Town Line over Foster Hill to the Kingfield Town Line, a distance of eight and twenty-six hundredths (8.26) miles,
b. State Aide #2, from State Aide #1, at Bradbury Corner, so-called, to the Salem Town Line, a distance of one and fifty-nine (1.59) miles.
Being nine and eighty-five hundredths (9.85) miles of accepted State Aide highways, and
c. State Aide #3, from State Aide #1 over Gilkey Hill, so-called, to State Aide #3, a distance of one and forty-eight hundredths (1.48) miles,
d. State Aide #4, from State Aide #1 over Baker Hill, so-called, to Salem Town Line, a distance of one and forty-six hundredths (1.46) miles,
e. State Aide #5, from Strong Town Line to Black Brook, so-called, a distance of fifty hundredths (.50) miles,
f. No. 335, the Baston Road, so-called, from State Aide #3 to Baston Turn, so-called, a distance of ten hundredths (.10) miles,
g. No. 339, the Roy Cook Road, so-called, a distance of three and twenty-five hundredths (3.25) miles.
h. No. 341, from the end of State Aide #3, to the Cook Road, so-called, a distance of ninety-two hundredths (.92) miles,
i. No. 1101, the Freeman Ridge Road, so-called, from the New Portland Town Line to the Bray Place, so-called, a distance of one and fifty-five hundredths (l.55) miles,
j. No. 312, the Dr. Weymouth Road, so-called, from State Aide #1 to the Dr. Weymouth Drive, a distance of sixty-four hundredths (.64) miles,
k. No. 330, from the junction of State Aide #5 up to the Mile Square Extension to the Avon Bus Turn around, a distance of seventy hundredths (.70) miles.
Being ten and sixty hundredths (10.60) miles of accepted Town Ways in the Freeman Township for the snow season commencing in 2023 and ending in 2026 in accordance with the snow removal law.
To remove the snow and provide sand to mix with salt (to be provided by the county, however will be capped based on historical data) from the following roads in Salem Township:
a. State Aide #1, from the Phillips Town Line to the Freeman Town Line by the way of Salem Village, a distance of six and eighty-five (6.85) miles.
Being six and eighty-five hundredths (6.85) miles of accepted State Aide highways, and,
b. State Aide #3, the Baker Hill Road, so-called, from Freeman Town Line to State Aide #1, a distance of one and fifty-three hundredths (1.53) miles,
c. No. 321, the Howard Road, so-called, from Route #142 to the Ed Berry Turn, so-called, a distance of seventy hundredths (.70) miles,
d. No. 329, from the junction of Rt. 142, the Lovejoy Road to the Frank Reed Farm, so-called, a distance of one (1.00) miles,
e. No. 842, the Berry Road, so-called, from route #142 to the residence of Les Decker, so-called, a distance of one and thirty-six hundredths (1.36) miles,
f. No. 917, from the 1st junction of Road #329, the Viles Road, so-called, around to the point of beginning, a distance of (.40) miles,
g. No. 678, the John Lee Road, a distance of thirty-two hundredths (.32) miles,
h. No. 329, the Lovejoy Road so-called, beginning at the Junction of Rt 142 to the Bassaford Bus turn around, a distance of eighty hundredths (.80)miles,
i. No. 329 from utility pole #1 to utility pole #8.5 a distance of four tenths (.4) miles.
Being six and fifty-one hundredths (6.51) miles of accepted in the Salem Township for the snow season commencing in 2023 and ending in 2026 in accordance with the snow removal law.
Snow Removal for Langtown Township
The Franklin County Commissioner’s are requesting bids for snow removal in Langtown Township for 2023-26, a three-year contract. A performance bond is required. All bids must be in writing, sealed, and marked “Langtown Township Snow Removal Bids” on the envelope. The sealed bids must be received no later than July 10, 2023 at 4 pm. For complete specification please contact the Franklin County Commissioners office (207-778-6614) or website.
To remove the snow and provide sand to mix with salt (to be provided by the county, however will be capped based on historical data) from the following roads in Langtown Township:
a. No. 534, the Powers Road, so-called, being a distance of one and seventy hundredths (1.70) miles.
Being one and seventy hundredths (1.70) miles of accepted Town Ways, in the Township of Langtown for the snow season commencing in 2023 and ending in 2026 in accordance with the snow removal law.
Snow Removal for Madrid Township
The Franklin County Commissioner’s are requesting bids for snow removal in Madrid Township for 2023-26, a three-year contract. A performance bond is required. All bids must be in writing, sealed, and marked “Madrid Township Snow Removal Bids” on the envelope. The sealed bids must be received no later than July 10, 2023 at 4 pm. For complete specification please contact the Franklin County Commissioners office (207-778-6614) or website.
To remove the snow and provide sand to mix with salt (to be provided by the county, however will be capped based on historical data) from the following roads in Madrid Township:
a. East Madrid Road: beginning at the Phillips T.L. node 1826 and extends 2.31 miles to node 7398; from node 7398 extending northerly for .38 miles to node 1256; from node 1256 northerly for .80 miles (total of 3.29 miles);
b. Dingle Road: beginning at I.R. 757 node 1821 and extending to node 7399 (total of .10 miles);
c. Reeds Mills Road: from node 7115 (junction of Route 4) to node 1817 (total of 2.85 miles), from I.R. 546 node 1817 and extending to I.R. 757 node 1821 (total of 2.13 miles) and from node 1821 to node 1823 (total of 1.05 miles);
d. Center Road: from node 1819 to node 1820 (total of 1.35);
e. Calvin Hill Road: beginning at I.R. 546 node 1817 and extending to the end of the town way node 1818 (total of .88 miles)
f. Buzzel Road: beginning at node 1813 extending to node 1814 (total of .34 miles);
g. Beech Hill Road: beginning at node 1811 (Reeds Mills Road) extending to node 7409 (total of .38 miles);
h. Brookside Terrace: beginning at node 7407 (Beech Hill Road) to node 7408 (total of .09 miles);
i. River Road: from node 1809 to node 1810 (total of .23 miles);
Being twelve and sixty-nine hundredths (12.69) miles of accepted Town Ways in Madrid Township for the snow season commencing in 2023 and ending in 2026 in accordance with the snow removal law.
Snow Removal for Washington Plantation and Perkins Township
The Franklin County Commissioner’s are requesting bids for snow removal in Washington Planation and Perkins Township for 2023-26, a three-year contract. A performance bond is required. All bids must be in writing, sealed, and marked “Washington Plantation and Perkins Township Snow Removal Bids” on the envelope. The sealed bids must be received no later than July 10, 2023 at 4 pm. For complete specification please contact the Franklin County Commissioners office (207-778-6614) or website.
To remove the snow and provide sand to mix with salt (to be provided by the county, however will be capped based on historical data) from the following roads in Washington Plantation and Perkins Township:
a. State Aide #1, from the Weld Town Line through Perkins Township, being the main highway from Wilton to Weld, a distance of two and eighty-eight hundredths (2.88) miles,
b. No. 1071, the Alder Stream Road, so-called, off Route #156, opposite Hills Pond, a distance of nine tenths (.9) of a mile, and,
c. State Aide #1 from the Wilton Town line through Washington Plantation, being the main highway from Wilton to Weld, a distance of two and fifty-three hundredths (2.53) miles.
Being six and thirty-one hundredths (6.31) miles of accepted Town Ways in Washington Plantation and Perkins Township for the snow season commencing 2023 and ending in 2026 in accordance with the snow removal law.
Please submit bids to:
Franklin County Commissioners
140 Main Street Suite 3
Farmington, ME 04938
The Franklin County Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids